During each monthly Ladies Lunch gathering, they collect $1 per person. Alana Woods, who coordinates the lunch, reports that the group collected a total of $100.57. They chose to donate those funds to West Avenue Compassion which is located just down the road at San Antonio First Church on West Avenue.
When told about the donation, longtime St George member and WAC volunteer Linda Canas said, “This is amazing! I was sitting here thinking about the need.” She recalled having received a text that 547 families had been served in one week. “It wasn’t so long ago,” she said, “that we were serving closer to 400 [families].”
“This is just so wonderful!”
For more information about the monthly Ladies Lunch Group, contact Alana Woods. If you would like more information about joining the St George contingent of weekly volunteers at West Avenue Compassion, contact Linda Canas.