Lectors and Lay Eucharistic Ministers Training

All Lectors and Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEM”s) are invited to attend a training session after worship on May 15th (approximate start time 11:20 AM).

During this time we will offer all an opportunity to learn the specifics of each particular ministry and ways that Covid has changed how we do the ministry.

It is also an opportunity for new people to sign up for these ministries.  Whether you are continuing in one or both of these ministries or are new, please click here to tell us you are coming so we can have adequate refreshments and training materials.

Note:  Persons as young as 6th Grade can be trained as a Lector.  Young people 16 and older can serve as a Lay Eucharistic Minister.  It is highly recommended that all  who serve as a Lector or LEM be Confirmed or planning to be Confirmed (or Received).  For questions please contact Fr. Ram, Susan Alwais (LEM’s) or Pam Carter (Lectors).