All posts by Keith Earle

Grief and the Holidays Presentation

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Tuesday, November 12, 2018, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Saint George Episcopal Church
6904 West Ave., San Antonio, TX 78213

Presenter: Celeste Miller MA, LPC

The holidays are an especially hard time when grieving the loss of a loved one. The season renews memories, family ties, and traditions. This is often difficult for families because we become painfully aware that our special loved one is no longer present. The pain of the loss is confused with the spirit of the season.

Grief and the Holidays is a workshop designed to help those who are grieving along with their families to better understand the grief process, how it affects us during the holiday, and how we can use this special time to continue to heal.

Please contact Marilynne Herbster, 210-342-4261, ext. 505, if you are interested in attending.

Diocesan Altar Guild Gathering

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The annual diocesan Altar Guild gathering will be held Saturday, November 10, from 9:00-4:00, at the Bishop Jones Center (111 Torcido Dr., San Antonio, TX 78209).

Alice Scarbrough will speak about “How to Make your Altar Guild Great!” Lunch is provided. Bishop David Reed will celebrate Eucharist in the St. John Chapel.

Workshop topics include “The Seasons of Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany”, “Retention and Recruitment of Altar Guild Members,” and “How to Make Your Altar Guild Great.”

For more information or to sign up, contact Pat Donegan ( Registration is also available online by clicking here.

Council Delegate Nominations

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If you are interested in being a Council Delegate, please reach out to our Senior Warden, Susan Alwais, who is head of the delegates. ( We will hold an election in November in order to help our new Council Delegates and Alternates time to arrange their travel schedules.

Click here to read a reflection by Haley Bankey on why you should consider serving as a Delegate to Council.

Please pray and consider if God is calling you to serve as a Delegate!


One Bread, One Body

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Submitted by Andy Nodine

The phrase one bread, one body, takes on concrete and very special meaning when you become a Home Eucharistic Minister (HEM) and take communion to members of our congregation who, for whatever reason, are unable to leave their homes. I have the privilege of taking communion to a member of our parish who is shut in because his body is suffering from the disabilities that come with old age. He is also functionally blind due to macular degeneration. Except for some meals, he is more or less confined to his small apartment, all alone. His mind is still sharp; however, his only diversion is listening to audio books, which he does for eight to ten hours a day. I have “adopted” him because, years ago, he and the now-deceased love of his life stepped forward and supported me during a very difficult time in my life. In a sense, I have him to thank him for my sanity and emotional well-being. So I repay that debt by taking communion to him every couple of weeks. I can’t tell you what a joy it is to see his face light up and feel his still-strong handshake each time I arrive. We usually spend about an hour sharing our life experiences and discussing the events of the day. And then, I open my little kit and my Prayer Book, and we share in the Body and Blood of Christ, bringing to reality the One Bread about which we sing and reveling in our membership, even if physically isolated, in the One Body.

I would ask you to think about people you know who are not able to join us on Sundays for worship, and to consider taking on the mantle of LEM for them. You will gain in joy far more than you give in time and gas.

NF Walk Success

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It has been an amazing start to the year as our youth partnered with Children’s Tumor Foundation, and came together for various service events which all benefitted The San Antonio NF (Neurofibromatosis) Walk. The walk was held this past Saturday at Eisenhower Park.

The St. George Youth showed up, served their community, and brought smiles and joy to the many who attended. We are so proud of our youth, and their desire to always be the hands and feet of Jesus- especially when that means waking up at 6:00 AM on a Saturday morning. Thank you to all those who attended, served, and shared the love of God with so many others. We look forward to the years to come!

Join the TEAM!

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Calling all who are looking for some way to volunteer your time:

If you want to “test drive” a ministry, you can ease into most of these ministries. Email the contact to find out how you can fit it into your schedule.

Mental Illness Awareness — Start the discussion with help from MHA

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Did you know that half of all mental health disorders begin by the age of 14? For parents, friends, and professionals who work with school-age children, it’s important to know the signs and symptoms of mental health issues and when to seek help.

Mental Health America has developed tools and resources to help. Free, confidential and anonymous screening tools are available at to find out if you or someone you care about may have symptoms of a behavioral, emotional or cognitive disorder.

Mental Health America also has tools and resources to help increase your understanding of how traumatic events can trigger mental health concerns. You can learn how to understand trauma’s impact on mental health, and recognize mental health concerns like anxiety, psychosis, and depression.

Just like physical health, taking care of mental health struggles early can help prevent more serious problems in the future. If you are concerned, start the conversation. Seek help. And remember there is nothing to be ashamed of. There is help, and there is hope. Click here for more information.

St. George Family Fun Day, Oct. 20, 9:00-2:30

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Let’s Get Together!

Join the St. George family for a day of fun, food, fellowship, and formation.

There will be activities for children and adults, worship time, a message from Bishop Lillibridge, free time for fun and catching up including board and card games, card making, and bar-b-que for lunch – all for $1 for children under 13 and $5 for adults (13 and older).

Adult Schedule

9:00-9:30        Sign in at the Registration table
9:30-10:00      Gathering and Worship Time, Sanctuary
10:00-11:30   Kids’ programming (see below)
10:00-11:30   Presentation and Formation with The Right Reverend Gary R. Lillibridge, retired Bishop, Diocese of West Texas – Sanctuary
11:30-1:30      Lunch – Bill Miller’s BBQ – in the Parish Hall, followed by time to enjoy fellowship through lawn games, football games, giant Jenga on the deck, jam session on piano, card making (Leadership Center) board games (Parish Hall), and karaoke
1:30                 St. George Community Family Picture (Courtyard)
2:00                 Closing Worship, Sanctuary

Kids’ Programming Schedule – VPS Style

10:00-10:20   Lesson: Family
10:25-10:45   Games
10:50-11:00   Craft/Activity
11:05-11:25   Bounce House fun
11:30-1:30     Lunch and fellowship activities with adults

All this for $5 (adults) and $1 (kids under 13)


This is a great chance to visit with friends and to make new friends.

If you’d like to organize or facilitate any of the activities above, please contact

Suggest a Mini-Drive

By | Adult Ministries, Charitable Giving, Community, Fellowship | No Comments

Submitted by Marti Nodine 

St. George Church and School members have always been so generous to contribute to whatever planned donation drive comes up: Thanksgiving meals, Christmas Angel Tree gifts, back-to-school backpacks, CAM food drives, Chain of Love, and so on. However, two clever St. George parishioners, Pat Barger and Linda Canas, create their own mini-drives several times a year.

They are part of a group of women who have an August Celebration for some of the group who have birthdays that month. Cards were usually exchanged in lieu of gifts until a decision was made several years ago to bring gifts for charity. At the most recent August get together, attendees were asked to bring underwear and toiletries for homeless women who come to CAM downtown for a sandwich lunch and a change of clothes. The celebrants responded with piles of products to donate! The CAM clients will experience some normalcy after being able to wash their hair, brush their teeth, put on clean clothing, and even smell better. When Linda has a dinner party and guests ask what they can bring, she says, “The food is taken care of. Why don’t you bring something to donate to charity.” We can all institute mini-drives throughout the year using the example of these generous women.