All posts by Keith Earle

Midwinter Camps at Camp Capers

By | Youth | No Comments

Camp Capers weekend MidWinter Camps Countdown……..3 Days!!  Break the winter cycle by adding some Camp Capers Fun!  If you have not had a chance to register, there is still time!  Go to or log into your Ultracamp account.  Please contact Shelly Agee/Registrar at or 830-995-3966 if you have any questions or need assistance with registrations, hope to see you there!  Scholarship Assistance is available.

MidWinter I Jan 8-10, 2016 (Senior High Students)

MidWinter II Jan 15-17, 2016 (Grades 6-8)

MidWinter III Jan 22-24, 2016 (Grades 3-5)

Adopt a Needy Family

By | Charitable Giving | No Comments

Our St. George Church and School community helped those in need this December through the Adopt a Needy Family organization. The agency’s chairman and St. George School Alumni parent Mike Weiss spoke at the school’s chapel one morning to share the history of the AANF organization. He explained how this program can trace its roots back to a very generous caring individual by the name of Father James Hubert, who achieved much of his passion for assisting the needy through his introduction to Mother Theresa in 1967. In Chapel, Mike read a letter written to Father James from Mother Theresa, ( That letter closes with this thought:
“Let Jesus use you without consulting you.”

Christmas Reflections – St. George Children

By | Children's Ministries, Community, Fellowship, Kids for Christ, Youth | No Comments

Our St. George Children served others, learned about Advent, and took a ride on the Polar Express this month.  Kids for Christ completed their “Mission Possible,” where they performed acts of kindness for our Castle Hills Community.  (Click here for more).  In C3:16, children made advent wreaths with their families and received devotional readings to take home and use with their families.  Finally, church and school children enjoyed our annual Polar Express party!  Maricela Ramos, a church and school parent shared this letter about this wonderful tradition.

My daughter has participated in the Polar Express event every year for the past three years and my son began participating this year. This is something that at the age of four and six, they are still talking about one week later. The magic of the movie coupled with the magic of friends they have made at St George has created memories in their sweet little hearts. A chance to sit back, eat as much popcorn as they can handle while giggling and enjoying the idea of “Believing” was a precious moment that I will not forget, as I chose to stay and bring my own pillow and blanket. Once the movie was over, they enjoyed the holiday cookies with hot cocoa while laughing at each other’s milk mustaches. The type of cookies didn’t matter, what mattered was the fellowship and feeling of being connected and slowing down to enjoy the Christmas Spirit. Daniel, our Youth Ministry Leader, collected the sugar filled children and played marshmallow dodgeball with the active, silly children. Winning wasn’t the object of the game, playing with food and having the older ones help the little ones was the object of Daniel’s game. My children talked about it for days afterwards and look forward to creating more memories in the years to come. Thank you to St George Church, Happy Wilson and Daniel Foreman for their dedication to making this season special for all the children and adults like me, alike!

St. George Youth Group-“Souper Service”

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Our St. George Youth group answered their “Call to Serve by providing their own homemade soup for some of our parishioners. Helen Kyse wrote the following thank you letter:

To the Youth Group,

A thousand thanks for the homemade chicken noodle soup that I received after the service on Sunday (November 29th).

In addition to being wonderfully delicious, since it was loaded with chicken and vegetables each bowlful was a full meal. The generous amount of your gift will provide additional future meals.

I deeply appreciate your kindness and thoughtfulness.

Helen B. Kyse

Ministry Leaders – Reports Due 12/31/15

By | Adult Ministries, Children's Ministries | No Comments

We are beginning to collect our ministry reports for the 2015 Annual Report, which will be presented to the congregation at our Annual Parish Meeting.  Each and every ministry at St. George is vital to the spiritual life that takes place here, and we welcome your reports as to how your ministry has done God’s work in 2015. Please submit your ministry’s report no later than December 31st to Haley Bankey via email.  Thank you for all you do in continuing God’s mission at St. George!

Baptisms – Next Date is January 17

By | Baptism | No Comments

The next scheduled date for child or adult Baptisms will be on Sunday, January 17 at the 10:45 AM worship service.  If you, or a family member, are interested in being Baptized, please let us know by completing the Baptismal Request Form (click here). This form is also linked in our weekly eSpear newsletter.  All candidates for Baptism, and their families, will meet with Fr. Ram at 9:30 AM on Sunday, January 3 in the Sanctuary for Baptismal prep.


Let Your Christmas Shopping Give to the Church

By | Charitable Giving | No Comments

If you do your Christmas shopping (or any shopping) at, St. George Episcopal Church can now receive 0.5% of your purchase total through Amazon Smile.  It’s a simple and easy way to support the work of the church during this busy Christmas season and beyond.

How does it work?

  • Instead of going to, go to or (click here).
  • Type ‘St. George Episcopal Church, and find the one in San Antonio, TX.
  • Click on our ‘Select’
  • Begin shopping! Every time you want to make a purchase at Amazon, go through and St. George will receive 0.5% of your purchase price without any increase to you.

Poinsettia Offerings

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Each year, St. George Church offers the opportunity to remember or bless a loved one by purchasing a poinsettia in his/her honor for our Christmas Eve services.  If you wish for your donation to be listed in the Christmas Eve bulletins, please return your donation envelope, or give online, by December 21. Donation envelopes will be in the Sunday bulletins for the next two weeks. If you give online, please put “In thanksgiving for….” or “In memory of….” in the memo line on PayPal, or email your names to Haley Bankey at We request a minimum donation of $10 per poinsettia.  For more information, click here.