“Forgiving Oneself”
October 13-15 at Mustang Island Conference Center
Spiritual Retreats in Recovery provides a safe place to deepen one’s spiritual journey – open to all in recovery from alcoholism
or other abuses, as well as to families and friends affected by the disease of addiction. All members of twelve-step programs (AA, Al-anon, NA, CA, ACA, etc.) are welcome to share their experience, strength, and hope with each other in a community of love and support, exploring what it was like, what happened, and what we are like now.
Registration will open on September 5, 2023, at 10 AM. Please go to http://dwtx.org/events to register at that time. Space is limited.
Leaders: Rev. Keith Davis (Associate Rector, St. George Episcopal Church, San
Antonio) and Rev. Mikel Brightman (Rector, St. Phillip’s Episcopal Church, San Antonio)